29th November 2011

If you have any queries about whether your role is exempt from strike action or general queries please contact your union representative. Please note: even if you are exempt from stike action, if you feel strongly that you would still like to take part, you still have the right to do so General exemptions Employees currently in their last...

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Latest on Negotiations on Local Government Pension Scheme

22nd August 2011

REPORT FROM UNISON REPRESENTATIVE ON THE ESSEX PENSION FUND AND INVESTMENT STEERING COMMITTEE Further to the discussion of pensions at the Branch AGM I offered to provide a report on my activities on the Pension Fund on your behalf. I was nominated by Unison in September last year to represent members of the Essex Pension Fund on the Fund...

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20th July 2011

Thompsons Solicitors hold surgeries for UNISON members in Branch Office on the third Thursday of every month from 1pm to 3pm. If you have any issues you would like to discuss with them, please ring the office to make a half an hour appointment on 01245 354044.

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ECC Staff – Proposed Changes to Terms and Conditions – IMPORTANT UPDATE

7th July 2011


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Switch your current account and receive £100 Cashback

24th June 2011

Switch to The Co-operative Bank Current Account Plus and join the top high street bank for satisfied current account customers  AND GET £100 CASHBACK. As part of The Co-operative Bank, Britannia can now offer Current Account Plus to UNISON’s 1.3 million members. And to celebrate the 50th anniversary year of Britannia’s partnership with UNISON, we are offering £100 cashback...

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National School Support Staff Seminar 2011

24th June 2011


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Branch Bullying Survey

21st May 2011

Essex County Branch of UNISON is concerned about the amount of bullying that goes on in the workplace. We need your views and experiences on any bullying you face at work. Please help us to help you by answering the following questionnaire. Your replies will be treated in the strictest confidence and you need not provide your name. Many...

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A Million Voices for Change

21st May 2011

We want you to join our campaign because we think it really is time to create a fairer society. For too long our employers and our politicians have put profit and private gain before people and the public interest. A tiny minority have been getting rich at the expense of the rest of us. Now, because of a crisis...

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