Click here for UNISON’s advice to Essex County Council members on Band 5 and above
Click here for UNISON’s advice to Essex County Council members on Band 5 and above
UNISON is urging members in local government and schools to take strike action on 10 July for improved NJC pay rates, following the refusal of employers to meet the union’s pay claim. The employer’s side of the NJC refuses to re-negotiate on their 1% final offer. Some members will have questions about taking part in industrial action and below...
Are you struggling to cope with the rising cost of living? Finding that you have to economise in every area of expenditure? Help is on hand We have set up a limited fund to help UNISON members on low income with school uniform costs by way of a one-off payment of up to £120 (this is the maximum grant...
Community Sector Members can view the 2014 Community Comference Final Agenda via the following link: Attachment: 2014 Community Conference Final Agenda
Eastern Region now has a dedicated e-mail address for all LGBT queries UNISON EASTERN REGION LGBT SELF ORGANISED GROUP POLICY & TRAINING WEEKEND 4th and 5th oCTOBER 2013 Holiday Inn, Colchester, Essex FRIDAY 4TH October 2013 3.00-3.30pm Meet & greet members (& their guests) of your LGBT SOGTea/coffee/refreshments available 3.30-4.00pm Introductions ...
ESSEX COUNTY BRANCH UNISON – BRANCH OFFICERSHIPS The job descriptions below are taken from (in some cases in an edited form) UNISON’s National Code of Good Branch Practice Where there are references to UNISON’s National rules these can be found at There are no job descriptions for the posts of Assistant Branch Secretary and Assistant Branch...
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on”- Winston Churchill As a Conservative I have no pleasure in exposing David Cameron’s deficit claims. However, as long as the party continues to talk down the economy via the blame game, confidence will not be given an opportunity to return....
SOCIAL HOUSING PENSION SCHEME SEMINAR 15th NOVEMBER 2012 UNISON CENTRE The Social Housing Pension Scheme Seminar will be held at UNISON Centre, London on the 15th November 2012. Many employees of Housing Associations are members of the Social Housing Pension Scheme (SHPS), but with a growing deficit and auto-enrolment on the horizon, the pensions on offer are being ‘dumbed down’...
UNISON LGBT CONFERENCE 2012 Unison’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Conference will be held this year from 1.15pm Friday 16 November to 1.30pm Sunday 18 November 2012 at the Brighton Centre, Brighton. If you are interested in being a delegate for the Essex County branch, please let Branch Office know by noon on Thursday 20th September. Further details can...
Performance Related Pay NOT HAPPY WITH ‘MY PERFORMANCE’? UNISON WANTS TO KNOW YOUR CONCERNS AND HOW WE CAN HELP UNISON has been unhappy with the various forms of performance appraisal scheme that the county has introduced up to and including ‘my performance’. Now that we are at the end of the appraisal year and the county is...